We are a protest against the classical foundations in jewelry: a ring is not necessarily round, a ring is not necessarily with a stone, a ring is not necessarily a ring.
The main criterion for selecting jewellery is badassness. To wear our products, you need balls. A strong character and an independent opinion.
The main criterion for selecting jewellery is badassness. To wear our products, you need balls. A strong character and an independent opinion.
The concept of the brand is — Wearable emotion.
"I do not need an occasion to wear a ring or earrings. My jewellery is my mood today.Do not ask my I am wearing this today. I am just wearing this."
The name of the brand is Red Bad Rabbit — it does not have any great sense but it has got an emotion.
The font choice is an eclectic mix. Shapes and colours resemble designs of the brand — shapes are difficult to explain, color is none (black is an absence of color, white is a base in the traditional art schools) but chameleon foil. The main idea of the identity to be as emotional as possible.

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